Sustainable steel making for “Make In India” and achieving Paris climate deal targets
26 September 2016
Iron ore beneficiation & pelletisation plants with total capacity around 116 MTPA & 85 MTPA respectively have come up in the country to use these low grade iron ore fines. It is expected the steel consumption will increase to around 150 kg/person/yr from existing level of 60 by 2030, which amounts around 200 million tons steel production. It is estimated by 2060, India will be a develop country with a population of 1600 million & highest in the world. Considering present 100 million Tons Steel production & 85 million Tons of Pellet production per year, following CO2 emissions can be reduced per year for sustainable steel making. Mining – As per FIMI, around 100 million tons of iron ore fines stocks are available in our country. Existing Iron ore Beneficiation units shall use these fines’ dumps, which in turn reduce further mining & reduction in CO2 emission by 0.09 Mil. Tons (0.9 KgCO2/t X 100 Mil. Tons) Pipeline – Around 24 MTPA Iron ore slurry is being transported through underground pipeline from various Beneficiation Plants to respective Pellet Plants. It reduces CO2 emission by 0.8112 Mil. Tons (33.8) Kg CO2/t X 24mil. Tons) per annum comparing to road transport Agglomeration – 85 MTPA Iron ore pellet production will reduce CO2 emission by 19.55 Mil. Tons ((230) Kg CO2/t X 85 Mil. Tons) per annum comparing to sintering process. Iron & Steel Making – By use of 85 MTPA Iron ore pellets for iron & steel making will reduce CO2 emission by 26.7 Mil. Tonnes ((1255-941) Kg CO2/t X 85 Mil. Tonnes) per annum comparing to the use of sinters. In total; around 47.15 Million Tons of CO2 emission per year can be reduced by changing to sustainable technology in Steel making value chain. In order to ratify Paris climate deal, Steel makers have to reduce carbon foot print to achieve the below target set in Paris Climate deal
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