‘Hyperloop Is A Perfect Fit For India,’ COO Of Hyperloop Transportation Technology

12 December 2016

hyperloopHyperloop Transportation Technology (HTT) was the first company to jump on the bandwagon and began working on a Hyperloop transportation system that would be commercially viable. The company was founded in 2014 by Jumpstarter Inc.

HTT COO Bibop Gresta and Chief Global Operation Director of Middle East & Asia Joel Micheal are visiting India for the i5 Summit that will be held at the Indian Institute of Management, Indore. We spoke with them about Hyperloop, HTT, and India’s transportation system.

Hyperloop is a concept where transportation takes place in a tube. Think of a train propelled by linear induction motors in a high-pressure capsule. Theoretically, the speed of the capsule is 970 km per hour on an average, with the top speed of 1200 km per hour. So, imagine that you can travel from Mumbai to Delhi in under 90 minutes.

India is a very interesting country. It has a great railway network already. Hyperloop implementation would need a bit of modification but it is doable. And the technology is a perfect fit for the country as well. With a high population count, it makes more sense.

Optimum use of of Hyperloop would mean that a capsule would come to a station every 7 minutes. Each capsule has a capacity of 3,400 people. Imagine how many people a day can be transported every time.

We are in talks with the Indian government, investors and other regulators. I think there is a great opportunity here. I met Prime Minister Narendra Modi when he visited Silicon Valley and the response was very positive.

Although, India needs a better infrastructure. The government needs to invest more into education and technology to improve that.

In the long run, the Hyperloop ecosystem is such that it will make a profit. So, it doesn’t need to be subsidised. Even private investors can put their money into it.

Source – Huffington Post

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